Tag: the cfb wizard

NCAA Commentary

Ladies and Gentlemen – I had something else planned for this article, but it will be delayed while we talk about the latest from the NCAA regarding Penn State. By now you have all read about it or heard about…

BCS Commentary

Ladies and Gentlemen – Before we get to the much anticipated 2012 CFB Wizard College Football Preseason Extravaganza there is something that needs a little light shined on it and that is the “College Football BCS Championship Playoffs”

You Shouldn’t Have Worn That

Ladies and Gentlemen – Before we get to the 2012 College Football Preseason Extravaganza I have a little something for you….. That I hope will keep you semi-entertained until then. I don’t know if you know this about me…..

Sad Day in the South

Ladies and Gentlemen – Some of my northern readers may think due to the title of this article that I am about to write a political discourse about Independence Day. I’m not It’s a sad day today in the South…

Another Championship

Ladies and Gentlemen I want to talk about another Championship that came back to Tuscaloosa this weekend The athletes competing for this prize are said to be, in stature anyway, the smallest in the athletic department at the university. But…

Damn it Bobby

Ladies and Gentlemen As I continue to recuperate from my ride with the lightening, a document of Biblical proportions was brought to my attention by a good friend of mine who just so happens to be a University of Texas…

Warning Labels

Ladies and Gentlemen – While College Football Spring practice is getting underway in some places and with little news to report from the gridiron, it’s time once again for a brief story from your favorite college football prognosticator. As I…

Injury Timeout

Ladies and Gentlemen At the risk of sounding like some old person who is always talking about their ailments, I felt obligated to you (My Beloved Readers) to provide, at the least some momentary humor while we await the beginning…

Modern Technology

Ladies and Gentlemen We are in the time I like to refer to as the doldrums of College Football… Recruiting is over for the time being and Spring Practice hasn’t started. So, in an effort to keep you (My faithful…