Tag: michigan football

College Football Picks Week 1

Ladies and Gentlemen – The day has finally arrived….. “No” I am not referring to Your Favorite College Football Prognosticator and “Doc” the Black Lab’s epic tale of survival during the apocalyptic solar eclipse this past week. EDITORS NOTE: I…

The Book Interview

Ladies and Gentlemen – Enclosed are some excerpts from a yet to be printed interview with Your Favorite College Football Prognosticator with the monthly publication “Millions of Books” on the release of his first book “Sunnyside Up” that is currently…

The Championship Picks

Ladies and Gentlemen – We have waited for this all season….. It’s time to determine a Champion. Tighten those chin straps. It all comes down to one game. Enjoy….

College Football Bowl Picks Part III

Ladies and Gentlemen – I hope you all survived your respective holidays… By now the Christmas and Hanukkah wrapping and the boxes have all been discarded and the last of your Aunt Regina’s “Turkey Surprise Casserole” has been sent through…

2016 College Bowl Picks Part II

Ladies and Gentlemen – As you maneuver through the hustle and bustle of this holiday season please don’t lose yourself in the frustration of the crowds and the dread of trying to find the “perfect” gift for your grumpy old…

College Football Picks Week 14

Ladies and Gentlemen – I hope that you all survived Thanksgiving, the weekend rivalry games and your Aunt Edna’s “Ten Bean Spam Casserole Surprise” that smelled like moth balls, and old odor eaters. For those brave souls that actually attempted…


Hello, everyone. Well, it’s that time of year again. A time for giving thanks, fellowship, and comraderie. Yes, I’m talking about rivalry week!!! Winners will be giving thanks and losers will be lamenting their misfortunes. We will watch with friends…

College Football Picks Week 10

Ladies and Gentlemen – I know that many of you got more “Tricks” than “Treats” last weekend… Sure, some of you received candy that expired in 1989 and it couldn’t dissolve in a can of gasoline, I get it. A…