Tag: florida gators football

2016 College Bowl Picks Part II

Ladies and Gentlemen – As you maneuver through the hustle and bustle of this holiday season please don’t lose yourself in the frustration of the crowds and the dread of trying to find the “perfect” gift for your grumpy old…

2016 College Football Bowl Picks

Ladies and Gentlemen – Your “Part I” of the 2016 College Football Bowl Picks along with the remainder of “The CFB Wizard College Football Awards” are awaiting you on this “Special Edition” from Your Favorite College Football Prognosticator. Consider it…

The Last College Football Picks of 2016

Ladies and Gentlemen – Please don’t let the title disturb you, or send you diving head first into the anxiety pool. There is still the upcoming 2016 Bowl games and College Football Playoffs to report on, so don’t head to…

Hypocrisy at its Finest

Ladies and Gentlemen – The truth is we can all at one time or another find ourselves to be hypocrites. It’s true, you know it and I know it. But the funny thing about hypocrisy is others can see through…

College Football Picks Week 14

Ladies and Gentlemen – I hope that you all survived Thanksgiving, the weekend rivalry games and your Aunt Edna’s “Ten Bean Spam Casserole Surprise” that smelled like moth balls, and old odor eaters. For those brave souls that actually attempted…


Hello, everyone. Well, it’s that time of year again. A time for giving thanks, fellowship, and comraderie. Yes, I’m talking about rivalry week!!! Winners will be giving thanks and losers will be lamenting their misfortunes. We will watch with friends…

College Football Picks Week 12

Ladies and Gentlemen – I am sure like many of you I was shocked and dismayed by the conclusion of several of the games last Saturday night. In fact I couldn’t have been more surprised last Saturday night than if…

College Football Picks Week 10

Ladies and Gentlemen – I know that many of you got more “Tricks” than “Treats” last weekend… Sure, some of you received candy that expired in 1989 and it couldn’t dissolve in a can of gasoline, I get it. A…