Tag: clemson tiger football


Ladies and Gentlemen – Running a multi-dollar a year company such as the CFB Wizard has its advantages and disadvantages.

College Football Pre-Season Extravaganza Part II

Ladies and Gentlemen – As promised….. I present the second installment of your 2013 College Football preseason Extravaganza And might I add…. That your adulation has once again been commensurate with the quality of entertainment I am humbled and somewhat…

Meet the CFB Wizard

Ladies and Gentlemen – Before the 2013 College Football Season begins….. I want to take this opportunity to introduce you all to the incredible CFB Wizard Staff

Moore than a Man

Ladies and Gentlemen I will have several funny articles for you in the next few weeks…. But in the meantime I want to take a minute to talk about a dear friend of mine

Hootie’s Valentine

Ladies and Gentlemen – Valentine’s Day is right around the corner….. In Honor of this auspicious occasion Hootie Snitch the self proclaimed “Greatest Tennessee Volunteer Fan on the Planet” and sometimes contributor to the CFB Wizard has provided what he…