Tag: florida gators

College Football Picks Part II

Ladies and Gentlemen – The packages are unwrapped and just like that Christmas 2013 is over….. But thankfully your Cousin Eddie the kleptomaniac has left (finally) with his annoying wife and kids. You know which kids I am talking about…

College Football Bowl Picks Part I

Ladies and Gentlemen – It’s that wonderful time of year…. The sights and sounds of Christmas are in the air…. And the College Bowl Season begins in earnest


Ladies and Gentlemen – I received a very disturbing email this past week…. Accusing me of a variety of things Least of which saying this college football website wasn’t “educational”

College Football Picks Week 12

Ladies and Gentlemen It’s hard to believe we are into Week 12 of the College Football Season… It seems like only yesterday that the Oregon Ducks were quacking about being the best college football team ever in the history of…

College Football Picks Week 10

Ladies and Gentlemen – I was going to begin these Halloween Picks with something cheesy like…. “The CFB Wizard Spook-Tacular Picks of the Week!” (But it sounded too much to me like testicular something or another) Or maybe utilize some…

College Football Picks Week 9

Ladies and Gentlemen – If you think you or your team was “Upset” last Weekend… Wait till you see my averages from last week A Hamster on a wheel could have picked the games better than I did last week