Tag: the cfb wizard

College Football Picks Week 14

Ladies and Gentlemen – I am glad to see that you all survived Thanksgiving and your annoying cousin visiting for the holidays that feels under some obligation to brag about how damn successful he is, how much “stuff” he has…

College Football Picks Week 12

Ladies and Gentlemen – Before Thanksgiving begins in earnest next week we have several tantalizing tidbits on the menu for you this week. We will be serving a few instate rivalries, filled with bitterness and hatred, topped with bragging rights.…

South Georgia Football News and Views

Ladies and Gentlemen – Your favorite guest writer Harley Hanesworth will now be on The CFB Wizard on Tuesday nights as his “South Georgia News and Views” transitions into a weekly commentary on college football. Enjoy….

Veteran’s Day Week 11 Picks

Ladies and Gentlemen – It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is right around the corner…. It’s a time of the year to be Thankful But it seems just like yesterday the college football season began I guess it’s true what…

For Veterans Day…

Ladies and Gentlemen – This story was published some time ago, it’s worth another look In Honor of Veterans Day and the United States Marine Corps Birthday

College Football Picks Week 10

Ladies and Gentlemen- This week is “Separation Saturday” EDITORS NOTE: And by making that statement…. I am not making any assumptions concerning anyone’s impending marital status So buckle those chin straps tight, there’s going to be a fight 


Ladies and Gentlemen – I know I have been woefully negligent in posting additional articles during this 2015 college football season. I guess like many of you I have gotten too caught up the past few weeks in the fast…