Tag: georgia bulldogs

Thank you

Ladies and Gentlemen – With the college football season in full swing…. I haven’t taken the time this year to tell all of you who take the time to read this column.. “Thank you”.

College Football Picks Week 3

Ladies and Gentlemen – I read each and every one of your emails The “good” ones and the “bad” ones… So let me say this… We are only into the third week of the 2011 college football season Its way…

College Football Picks Week 1

Ladies and Gentlemen – As you know by now……. The finest College Football Picks anywhere in the Country are right here and ready for your viewing pleasure. (No need to thank me, it’s what I do) We have some big…

Preseason Extravaganza Part III

Ladies and Gentlemen – I present your last and final installment of the College Football Preseason Extravaganza for your viewing pleasure. It’s a shame our boys and girls overseas can’t read about college football on the CFB Wizard. I guess…

Dreams can come true

Ladies and Gentlemen – In an age when we hear far too much about the greed in sports, from athletes selling their memorabilia for tattoos to a Father selling their son to the highest bidder. It’s refreshing to know that…

College Football Picks Week 8

Ladies and Gentlemen – Before we get into this Week’s Picks I believe Congratulations are in order…. After defeating the James Madison Dukes last Saturday the University of New Hampshire Wildcats can take their rightful place as the Number Three…

College Football Picks Week 7

Ladies and Gentlemen – There are some things in this life I know for a certainty For example…. Why a dog licks himself…. EDITORS NOTE: The correct answer is… “Because he can” But there are other questions in the universe…

College Football Picks Week 6

Ladies and Gentlemen – Many of you have been kind enough to write “What Happened to Last Weeks Picks?” I was going to write that I had the unfortunate experience of listening to a replay of a conversation between ESPN…